Recently, I recieved a request to do a book review for this book. I haven't done very many reviews lately, but thought this one was worth the time.
As the title says, it is 365 devotions, one for each day of the year. All of the devotions are short, one page at most. They are well written and very easy to understand. I think this book would be perfect for young women between the ages of 10 and 16, and my granddaughter is getting one for her as part of her Christmas gift from us.
Day 8 explains that we refer to God as Male, and since his son was made in his image, he cane to earth in a male body. But, women were also made in God's image, just in a female form, Since this books is meant for young women, it is explaining to them, that they should not feel less because they are female.
Days 184 and 185 cover Boaz and his treatment of Ruth, when she was gleaning the leftovers from his fields. How he made sure enough was left, and she felt safe there.
This book is published by Zandervan
Written by Lindsay A. Franklin
It is available on Amazon where I will also post my review.
I recieved a free copy of this book to review. I recieved no other compensation, and my review is my opinion, only.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Saturday, October 27, 2018
New 'Weenie" dog
I don't know about your other household members, but mine forgets to put things back where they belong, and leaves things to me. Yesterday, he got a brand new package of hot dogs out, opened them and took one. I had gone to mop my bathroom floor, and when I came back into the kitchen, the hot dogs were gone, but the grated cheese was still there. I peeked in the living room and asked did you put the hot dogs in the fridge. "NO" I said they are gone, bet Copperhead has them. Yes he did, and he had managed to eat the most of them before we discovered they were missing. You have to laugh, and hope they don't make him sick, which they didn't. I'm guessing we won't have hot dogs for lunch today.
Sunday, October 07, 2018
'Tutored' and then company.
We made his appointment, and took him in to get his surgery. He was not one bit happy to be taken from Dad and out of our sight. They told us we could pick him up about 3:00pm, and they would call when surgery was over. He did great, and was ready to come home when we arrived and I don't think he was a bit happy there. We finally got him into the truck, and when he realized where he was, he laid down in the seat between us, and relaxed until he got home, Dad took him for a walk around the yard, so he would know where he was and that made him happy. He came in, got a drink and then some food. He never acted like he knew there was surgery involved in his 'trip.'
Our grandson, JD loves the Dukes of Hazzard show, he is now 15, but he has watched it, and collected things since he was small. This weekend, in Gatlinburg TN, Tom Wopat, one of the actors from the show was there, signing autographs and visiting with fans. JD has autographs of the other actors, so his mom took him to this event. Yes, his mom drove all the way to Gatlinburg, 9 hrs driving, for him. I'm sure they are having a great time. So, while they are gone, Petey, JD's 9 year old dog, gets to stay with us, and he met Copperhead. Considering the difference in size, we were not sure how that would work out, but Petey introduced himself and out the door they went, together. Petey weighs about 10 pounds, and I'm guessing that Copperhead is over 40, maybe close to 45. He whispered to me that they could bring Daisy, their Border Collie, here, and he wold take CP home with him.
Our grandson, JD loves the Dukes of Hazzard show, he is now 15, but he has watched it, and collected things since he was small. This weekend, in Gatlinburg TN, Tom Wopat, one of the actors from the show was there, signing autographs and visiting with fans. JD has autographs of the other actors, so his mom took him to this event. Yes, his mom drove all the way to Gatlinburg, 9 hrs driving, for him. I'm sure they are having a great time. So, while they are gone, Petey, JD's 9 year old dog, gets to stay with us, and he met Copperhead. Considering the difference in size, we were not sure how that would work out, but Petey introduced himself and out the door they went, together. Petey weighs about 10 pounds, and I'm guessing that Copperhead is over 40, maybe close to 45. He whispered to me that they could bring Daisy, their Border Collie, here, and he wold take CP home with him.
Saturday, September 08, 2018
Growing like a weed
Yes, he has changed a lot in the 2 months and 6 days he has been here. He is getting his adult teeth, and those razors are coming out. I finally held him down and trimmed his dew claws as he manages to hook them in my arms, and they sure hurt.
He has lost his pot belly.
He will eat almost anything, doesn't like raw carrots, but will eat lettuce, pears, peaches, and almost anything else.
He will be going to see the vet next week, to be 'tutored' as a friend said, said he didn't want his dog to know what was really going to take place.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Potty Training 101
Being consistant is the key, and I have tried but of course with my physical issues, there are days that it is tough. He is doing pretty well, most of the time he goes outside so it is good.
On the other hand, Buddy the weenie dog has an attitude, you know the regular dog one, it is there, pith on it and walk away. I've been told that weenies are bad at this, and I sure am glad that CH hasn't followed his example.
On the other hand, Buddy the weenie dog has an attitude, you know the regular dog one, it is there, pith on it and walk away. I've been told that weenies are bad at this, and I sure am glad that CH hasn't followed his example.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Copperhead again
Yes, he is still here and it has almost been two months. He has decided that his job at night is to be right in front of our bedroom door and make sure nothing gets us. He sleeps pretty much all night right in that spot, and if we get up he does look to make sure we are not going far. He understands the word NO, but isn't fond of it and lets us know he thinks he is the boss. He is very strong willed, but has learned the harness and the leash are his friends, with them, he can go out into the big wide world with dad and smell all the strange things that are not in his fenced world. When he comes back from the walk, he wants inside the fence, before he comes into the house
I was warned, when we got him, that Siberian Huskies are difficult, they take lots of time, to train.
Funny, but our nephew got one just about the same time we did, but his is full husky. I'm thinking I might call him and check on his progress, because from what he said when I did talk to him, made me think that I'm glad mine is only half.
I was warned, when we got him, that Siberian Huskies are difficult, they take lots of time, to train.
Funny, but our nephew got one just about the same time we did, but his is full husky. I'm thinking I might call him and check on his progress, because from what he said when I did talk to him, made me think that I'm glad mine is only half.
Monday, August 13, 2018
6 weeks later
His name is Copperhead, lol, he likes to bite. He caught his first rabbit today, didn't know there was any in the yard, and when I called he would not come to me. So I went around looking for him, and he was busy, he said.
He has been here 42 days and he is changing daily, losing that puppy look, and belly. He doesn't mind getting out of our sight, but we are supposed to be where he left us when he comes back. I think he is about 4 1/2
months old, and getting his permanent teeth.
He has been here 42 days and he is changing daily, losing that puppy look, and belly. He doesn't mind getting out of our sight, but we are supposed to be where he left us when he comes back. I think he is about 4 1/2
months old, and getting his permanent teeth.
Saturday, July 07, 2018
Copper Update!
He has gotten over his shyness, and loves to grab the hem of my dress or gown and pull it. I even got a belly rub in, last night.
He has a big personality, and now will even follow Buddyboo outside, and can go up and down the steps. He is doing his jobs outside for the most part, so he is learning quickly.
He has a big personality, and now will even follow Buddyboo outside, and can go up and down the steps. He is doing his jobs outside for the most part, so he is learning quickly.
Here all 3 are in the middle of the floor. Buddyboo is 14 so getting a bit cranky at times, with Copper. The cat says as long as he doesn't pull his tail and eat his food, he is fine with him.
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
Our new baby has a name. Copper, because of his coloring. He has had his first shots, and is a lot happier than he was on Monday when we got him. He'd never been away from mom or his 5 siblings, and then the mean old woman who took him, got him jabbed with a needle first thing. But he likes being in the house, and we are working on getting him potty trained.
He met 2 of our grandchildren yesterday. Skylar just couldn't stand it that she hadn't seen him, so I drove over and picked her up, and we stopped at the store and got some toys and puppy food. She insisted he needed a bath, so I let her bathe both him and Buddyboo. (Never turn down free help) Then Stephen called, he was getting off work early, and wanted to come over and see our new family member. Stephen started playing with him, and he flipped over on his back for a belly rub, when he will barely let me hold him. lol, but he will learn who butters his bread soon enough. He has finally gotten to where he doesn't have to hide to sleep, he and Buddyboo
are stretched out facing each other, snoozing away. Prettyboy, the cat, has finally quit hissing, and helps him eat his food.
He met 2 of our grandchildren yesterday. Skylar just couldn't stand it that she hadn't seen him, so I drove over and picked her up, and we stopped at the store and got some toys and puppy food. She insisted he needed a bath, so I let her bathe both him and Buddyboo. (Never turn down free help) Then Stephen called, he was getting off work early, and wanted to come over and see our new family member. Stephen started playing with him, and he flipped over on his back for a belly rub, when he will barely let me hold him. lol, but he will learn who butters his bread soon enough. He has finally gotten to where he doesn't have to hide to sleep, he and Buddyboo
are stretched out facing each other, snoozing away. Prettyboy, the cat, has finally quit hissing, and helps him eat his food.
Monday, July 02, 2018
New Baby
In early January, we lost our 12 year old lab mix, Flash, his story is on here. We missed having a larger dog, and Buddyboo the Weenie dog doesn't bark when people come in yard. I'd been looking for the right one to come along, and today, hubby heard an ad on the local trading time show, lady had 6 puppies that needed homes. I called and we drove out to look at them. Mother is a Husky or Husky mix, she was beautiful. There were 3 black, and 3 golds, their dad is a neighbor's dog. Anyway, I got the darker of the 3 golds, a male. He rode home without a whimper, but when we put him on the ground, he hid. Finally got him out from under the truck, and brought him in, and fed him. He had never been in a house, so he isn't sure what it is all about. He liked in the fenced yard. We haven't named him yet, will wait and see what his personality is, before doing that.

Friday, March 02, 2018
5th surgery
ON February 23, I went in and had surgery to find the cause of the fluid drainage. Turns out a hematoma had developed in the incision, and that was the issue. They cultured everything, and found no infection, but as a precaution kept me until Monday afternoon, and gave me antibiotics. I have stitches this time, because of my allergies to so many adhesives, and they used gauze and paper tape on me.
Physical therapy came and walked me a couple of times, then kicked me out when I showed them that I could do the whole 'circle' of the floor with no issues at all and without help. Occupational therapy came and visited, but found I had all the bells and whistles already, after all my surgeries, and went on to pester someone else. I've been on that floor so much in the last 4 years, that the nurses spot my name, and come by to say hello even if I am not in their charge. And this time I was in the same room that I was in, in January, when I had surgery.
I came home on Monday afternoon to some happy friends, Prettyboy had been missing his laptime, and Buddyboo, is always happy to see anyone. He even got in my lap for some cuddling and a doggie nap. He prefers sleeping in dad's chair so before long he was down and waiting for dad to sit down.
Today is one week post surgery, I am doing well, and hopefully in a few days, the walker will be retired, and I can use the cane until hopefully it is no longer needed. No post surgery issues at all, except dealing with getting badc to eating the way I do, after all those big meals at the hospital. It takes awhile to get my system back to what it is supposed to have.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
On January 24th, I had my 4th surgery in 4 years, and figured that was the end of it. turns out I am allergic to the bandages that they used and I had a terrible reaction. at some point, I ended up with a drainage issue, which has not gone away, dispite antibiotics. so tomorrow, I have my 5th surgery, to find what is causing the drainage, and hopefully take care of it. Other than this, I am healing in the hip well, and a lot less pain that I had before surgery, so this is a setback. I am sure after this, my healing will improve.
Monday, January 29, 2018
Another one...
3 weeks ago on Saturday, we lost our nephew today we lost his mother. Evelyn was known by most as Mutt, some childhood nickname that stuck for some reason. I couldn't bring myself to call her Mutt, she was a special and Beautiful person. I knew her almost 49 years, and in that time, I cannot remember 1 cross word ever spoken between us. She was a friend, confidant, and a baby sitter on occasion, when I was in need. I tried not to ask often, and she never said no.
Dear Friend, Hug David for us, when you see him, I'm sure he is asking questions, and you and Kenny will get to answer a few. Love you and miss you, but I'm hoping to see you one of these days soon.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
The Story of Flash the Wonderdog....
July 2006, we had gone to the store and bought frozen items, and our 3 year old grandson was with us. I had him in the back yard, while I was inside the shop putting items in the freezer. He started talking about a puppy, I thought he meant BuddybooWhodini our long haired Dachshund who is an escape artist. I said he better not have gotten out, where is he? JD said no Mimi, this puppy, and brought a little white and red around the side where I could see him. We went to every house in the area and no one was missing a puppy, which here, isn't too unusual, people drop them off, or did back then. Anyway he was hungry, and of course we fed him, and he stayed. He house trained in 10 days, no lie. There was only one problem, as he got older he and my smooth haired Jack Russell had a love hate relationship, Huckleberry Hound could not stand the dog that came to be known as Flash, the wonderdog part came later. You see, Huckleberry had been attacked by a Rottwieler and was deathly afraid of big dogs, and Flash grew fast and got to be pretty big. He was a mix of Lab, Pittie, and we think some Boxer mixed in somewhere.
JD told me, Mimi, Flash is my dog, but he has to live with you. So for almost 12 years, he lived here. He was the most protective dog that I've ever seen. He hated the UPS and FedEx guys, they got on our property with those old trucks and came to the door. The mail carrier gave him dog biscuits, and he kind of liked her. The last carrier said he was no problem, so it was just some people he didn't care for at all.
He loved food from the table, and was known to steal a biscuit or something off a plate, if you turned away. He kept us in stitches, at times, laughing at his antics. We tried to keep him up and out of the neighbors yards, but if he escaped, there wasn't a steak big enough to draw his attention from taking off down the road. Usually a couple of hours later, he would come back or I would go get him and drag him home. He was an escape artist, he would figure out how to dig under, go through, or over a fence. And of course BuddybooWhodini was right behind him, following in his footsteps, and usually he headed to the cow-lot nexd door, and came back smelling so pretty, he thought. There was no using a leash on Flash, you put it on, and he would promptly sit down, and would not move as long as that leash was attached. And collars, that was another thing he hated. We finally found an old leathr belt, and made him wear that until he managed to get it off and lose it. Nothing stayed on very long.
He was a good house dog, except for stealing food, he didn't bother much. He did hate cats, and there is where he and I butted heads. I ended up raising 4 kittens on a bottle after their mother couldn't feed them. I brought the first one in at 6 days old, cold wet and hungry. The other 3 followed shortly, and they lived in my bathtub, until they were 5 or 6 weeks, then we kept 2 and I had no clue how I was going to keep Flash from killing them. But we did, he got scolded a few times, and I guess he figured out that they were staying whether they were wanted or not. He only chased them one time, and he got pitched out the front door, and never to my knowledge, did he ever bother them again. Prettyboy is a white mix between Siamese and Maine Coon, and weighs in at about 20 pounds, Flash would walk up to him, and Prettyboy would slap his nose, Flash would just whine, but he would steal the catfood every chance he got. Oh and he also stole a chocolate cake (yes I know chocolate is poison to dogs, but he did it anyway) he actually didn't eat a lot of it, it didn't have icing on it.
These are just some of the antics he pulled, multiply that by almost 12 years, and it was always fun. the wonder dog part came as wonder what he is doing now. He could tell time, at about 10"00pm in the evening, he would go get BuddybooWhodini and tell him it was time to go outside and make their rounds before bedtime. We knew his time was limited, he was showing his age and just not looking like the boy he had been for so many years. He still wanted outside to make his rounds around the property, and would come back and lay in the garage until he was ready to come in for a nap. This morning when we got up, we found him in the floor beside the living room door, There ends the story of Flash, but it will never take away the memories of that goofy boy. RIP Flash, you crossed the bridge.
Monday, January 08, 2018
January 2018 started out
The same way that last year ended. Our nephew died on Saturday. Kenny was my age, and had a massive heart attack, his grandson got him out of his log truck, sitting on the scales ready to unload, but they couldn't revive him. So we start this year going to visitations and funerals. Seems as if that is where we spent most of our time last year, so I guess it is going to continue.
Our weather has warmed up, and is above freezing for a few days. January and February are usually our months to dread. Arkansans are not used to cold temps.
I will be having surgery, again, at the end of the month. I had hip replacement in January 2014, and the cup that the ball works in, has come loose. I told my doctor that my son in law said he had some glue that would hold it. And as a joke, I'm taking some 3 inch stainless steel screws to the hospital and tell him if he needs to, he can use those to hold it in place. Can you tell I really like my doctor. He hs replaced both my knees and this hip, but the failure is not something he did so we will meet again in the operating room in a few days.
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