Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A new Baby

I've held off posting about our new baby, just in case something happened to him.

My white  female 'wildcat' had kittens about 2 weeks ago.  There are 4, 3 whites and a yellow and white.  On Wednesday of last week, she rejected one of the white ones.   I would find the others, and put him back with them, and I'd find him alone, again.  Finally, she let him stay. 
Thursday morning, we had a cold rain falling, and I heard a baby kitten just screaming.  I went outside to find him very cold and wet, at least 25 ft from where the mother cat had the kittens.  
I brought him in, and put him into a warm bath, to get his body temprature back up.  Then I fixed him a bottle, thankfully, I still had some kitten formula stored in the cabinet.   I made him a nest, and put a can with hot water inside to warm it, and a lid on top to keep a nosey dog from getting him.  It has been almost a week, and we are doing well, so let me introduce you to our new family member.

This is Booger, aka Snowflake.
His eyes are now fully open, and his ears 
are changing.  He is approximately 2 weeks old.
I considered stealing one of he other babies to
give him a sibling, but he is enough work, so I'm going
to raise him as an only child.
Granddaughter is holding him, she finally got her manicure.


Tete said...

Teaching him to blog already! Now, that's a good mommie!

NanaDiana said...

Love that sweet baby and I am so happy that he/she made it! You did a good job there, Jettie. Tell Skylar I LOVE her nails-xo Diana

Terra said...

What a cutie.

Patty Patterson said...

Cute kitten! I can only imagine how much work raising him will be. But, maybe he'll appreciate it and make a wonderful pet.

Unknown said...

What a little dolly he is-I suppose I should say handsome and not dolly but he's so dang cute I can't help it.
Nice manicure she has there-very pretty. (especially since orange is my favorite color-LOL)