Friday, July 04, 2014

Photobombing 101

I found a vase that I really liked, the colors are stunning, and I had to bring it home.

I promised my friends that I'd do a couple of photos of it, so they could either laugh at my taste, or OOOOH and AAAH
along with me.  
So off I go to a flat surface, that none of the family 
will show up and bother me,
the washer. 

I fixed a 'curtain' behind the vase
and reached for my camera...
First shot, 
Bubba says Hi.

OK so now you get the idea, Bubba has no intention of
leaving the room.
May be getting sleepy

No, just licking his chops.
Ok now, Bubba, it's time for you
to move along
and let 
finish my 
photo shoot.

Thanks Bubba, now I'll hide the vase
so you can't knock it over.
I love these colors, now to find a spot that it can sit
for awhile.

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