Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Peeking over the nest edge

You can see 3 of the 5 baby Phoebes here.
If ou have never seen a Phoebe,
maybe you'll recognise their call

feee-beee  feee-beee
they say their name quite plainly, if you listen.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Phoebe and Cardinal Hatchlings

A nest full of Phoebe Hatchlings, they are about to fill the nest.  There are 5 of them in that little nest.
And 2 of the Cardinal eggs have hatched, today,  the 3rd is a day or so behind the first ones, so probably by tomorrow or Tuesday, we will have 3 tiny birds in that nest.
And there is usually a nest of Robins in this
Climatis vine, haven't seen one yet, but  it may be there, hiding.

As you can tell, this has been a great day.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


The phoebes have hatched!  Sometime yesterday we went from eggs to baby birds.  Pictures as soon as I can get them!

Friday, April 19, 2013


The mom Cardinal is still on her nest, I didn't scare her off.  And I checked a few minutes ago, she has laid another egg, so now there are 3. You can see pix of 2 of the eggs on the post before this one.

Also, the Eastern Phoebe nest on the porch ledge has 5 eggs in it.  She's gotten used to me going in and out, and usually stays on the nest.  I'm waiting anxiously to see the little ones peeking out of the nest.  

A better photo of the mom.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Spwing Spwung

It has gotten green outside, finally.  
I went out to check, my Hydrangias have died back to the roots and are putting out new shoots.  Though I hated to see them that low, it is probably a good thing, because they had gotten really big.

Here are 2 shots from years past.
Anyway, I trimmed off the dead shoots, and 
checked to see if more new  ones were coming out, they are.

Then I went around to trim more on the old hedge stuff that we planted 30 years ago.  Most are gone, but two keep hanging in there, scraggly as they are.  I had searched, as birds do nest there, didn't see a thing, until I 
I sure hope they return.
Then I'll get baby pix for you.
Oh, and here 
is a shot of my new greenhouse,
LOL, it is an egg tray, if you
don't recognise it.  I have 30 
4 O'Clock seed in there,
the striped variety.  
Hope they all come up.
I used these last year, and had wonderful
luck, and best of all, they were free!
A couple of handfuls of MG potting soil, and
throw seed in the cups, cover, and put the plastic top on, how simple is that.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Dis Bee Buddyboo,gin

I not posed to be on ma's computier, buts I dots to tell on her.
She be meen ma, an sayed a 4 leter woid this monin.
I not loud to say dem, so I speel it.
de oder leters are a and t.  Bad 4 leter woid, cause anytim she
say dat, I get wet and bubbly.  I was squatchin, she sais sompin about 
frees or flees and I did try, But she catched me
n frowed me in dat big ole sink wid lots of bubbly stuff, den she winced me wid sompin she say smell goid..Yeah wight.
No Flees/frees, but I aint gonna squatch fur her gin..
Gotta goes, here mean ma comes...

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Firefly Island by Lisa Wingate

Bethany House publishers
372 pages

The minute Mallory laid eyes on Daniel, she was intrigued. And Daniel felt the same.  What she didn't know, he had been married once, and had a small boy that he was raising.  One month after they met, he was offered a job in Texas, and they quickly decided to marry and head out.  A big city girl transplanted into a varmit infested house in Moses Lake Texas, with a little boy who is very into exploring, andhusband trying to get a handle on his new job.  It isn't exactly conducive to marital harmony.  And even her sisters and mother don't have time to listen to her complain.  Her husband's boss has lost his wife and stepson and everyone thinks they are buried on Firefly Island....wonder what will happen?  Read the book.

I dived into this book, not sure what to expect, but after a few pages, I quickly was hooked.  Lisa Wingate has a way of telling a story that is funny, and intriguing.

I was given a copy of this book to read and review.  No other compensation was given.  All opinions given here are my own, I'm not required to leave a positive review.

Happy Day with some sadness thrown in

Today is our oldest grandson's birthday, and he turns into a teen.  If I remember correctly, it was about this time of day, when he finally made his appearance.  We love him dearly, and if you check further down in my blog, you'll find that he received his birthday present, a homemade Lap Steel Guitar, a few weeks early, so he could enjoy it while on Spring Break.

This morning, our phone rang, and it was to give us word that my husband's nephew had lost his oldest daughter this morning.  It is never easy to lose a loved one, but everyone I've ever talked to, says losing a child, no matter their age, is one of the hardest things you'll ever deal with, in life.  To top it off, Kenny, the father, had a heart attack last week, and hasn't been out of the hospital that long.  And it has only been about 1 1/2 years since his wife passed away.

Please pray for the daughters of Mandy, her husban, for her sister, Tracy and her children, and for her father and grandfather, who will miss her so much.  Pray for the whole family, as they go through the grieving process.
She will be greatly missed.