Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Ghostwriter by Eve Gladstone

When Kim Killian heard that the book she had ghost written for Ben Soares, had won an award, she was both thrilled and saddened. Thrilled that her work had won an award, and saddened that no one would ever know she had written 'Lucky Lady'.

Then Ben Soares is found murdered in her garden, before he could accept the award. And the man she found rifling through her apartment, was best friends with Tony Dalrymple, son of the subject of the book, Lucky Anne Severance. Shortly afterward, Tony was found murdered, and Kim was the last person known to have seen him alive.

Kim and Conor Stark, go looking to solve the mystery of why everyone researching Lucky's death, runs into trouble.

A good book for a rainy evening, not too deep, but interesting.

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