My sister, Belinda, lost her baby today, Lil-Bit was a 7 year old Chihuahua-Rat Terrier mix, who she had gotten when LB was about 4 or so weeks old. Lil-bit didn't know she was a dog, and today a large dog got loose from it's chain, and came over to their yard. It grabbed LB and crushed her chest, while Belinda was doing everything in her power to distract, and pull the dog off. The owners have agreed to pay the vet bill and the cremation cost. If it were me, I'd have insisted on calling the police.
I made Gingersnap soap yesterday, and today I made Peppermint Orange soap today. Looks like I may need to make more, as I've got several interested in purchasing it. I made 20 bars in gingerbread man shape, and I think I'll have about 18 Christmas trees out of the peppermint.